Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 17 2022
- Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Closing the loop or squaring the circle? – A Critical Dialogue on Circular Economy with Dr. Kersty Hobson (Cardiff University).
Hosted by the ReTraCE, ProCEedS and JUST2CE projects, in this webinar, Kersty Hobson, from Cardiff University, will host a critical dialogue session, especially aimed at Early Stage Researchers, discussing her recent papers.
In her recent work, Dr. Hobson has emphasised that Circular Economy (CE) is now a key governance framework that aims to reconfigure how value is extracted from resources; however, despite its widespread uptake, CE commentary to date tends towards descriptive and/or celebratory. In response, in her recent papers, Kersty has posed several key research questions, to encourage more critical research on and around issues of CE.