Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 25 2022
- Time: 4:00 am - 6:00 am
Getting ready for conducting interviews in qualitative research
Arguably, interviews are one of the most widely adopted data collection methods in
qualitative inquiry.
This seminar will cover the essentials of interviews in social research. It will introduce the rationale for adopting interviews as a data collection method, including the main strengths and limitations of this approach.
It will also discuss the key issues that researchers must consider while working at different stages of the interview process, namely: interview design, preparation, performance, and analysis.
Finally, it will explore the relationship between theory and data in the interview process.
Whilst the seminar is primarily directed at beginners with no or limited experience using
interviews as a research method, more advanced participants might also benefit from it.
This session will include one hour presentation followed by one hour Q&A which allows
for an interactive sharing of experiences and perspectives among participants.
Speaker: Javier Lloveras, Postgrowth Innovation Lab, UVigo.
Moderation: Maddalena Ripa (UAB) and Mario Pansera (UVigo/UAB).