Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: Sep 21 - 23 2022
  • Time: 4:00 pm - 1:00 am


MANAGEMENT SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Road, S10 1FL, Sheffield (UK)
MANAGEMENT SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Road, S10 1FL, Sheffield (UK)

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.


Sep 21 - 22 2022


9:00 am - 6:00 pm

JUST2CE Workshop: “Non-neoclassical approaches to ecological macroeconomics modelling”

MANAGEMENT SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Road, S10 1FL, Sheffield (UK) 21-22 September, 2022


In September 21st and 22nd,  the University of Sheffield will host a workshop on “Non-neoclassical approaches to ecological macroeconomics modelling”.  The 2-days  workshop will address many topics, including: the different tools and techniques in ecological economics, the modelling of ecosystem-macroeconomy interactions and the modelling of cross-industry interdependencies. Input-output (I-O), Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) system and other non-neoclassical macroeconomics models to address ecological issues will be discussed during the workshop.

More about JUST2CE:
JUST2CE aims at understanding, in a critical and thoughtful way, under which conditions a responsible, inclusive and socially just transition to a circular economy is possible and desirable, what technical,  geopolitical  and  social  factors  can  enable  or  hamper  such  transformation  and  how  these  aspects  can contribute to the development of transitional policy measures. The results of this analysis will be used to develop macro-economic models aimed at checking the feasibility of different Circular Economy policies, based on greengrowth and post-growth scenarios.

For more information,you can contact Andrea Genovese ([email protected]) or Marco Veronese Passarella ([email protected])

The agenda is available here

The event is finished.