Local Time
- Timezone: America/Chicago
- Date: Mar 15 2022
- Time: 4:00 am - 6:00 am
JUST2CE Training Workshop: Responsible Research and Innovation and Circular Economy
The second training workshop, which revolves around the connections of RRI and CE, will be conducted for the consortium members by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) on March, 15th, 2022.
The aim of this training workshop is to provide an understanding of the connections between the Circular Economy (CE) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concepts, to consider how RRI may be productive in the development of a more socially and ethically grounded CE over semi-structured discussions among the participants.
The training will be organized in two sessions and will be conducted fully online. This first session will include the process dimensions that are often regarded as central to RRI: anticipation, inclusiveness, reflexivity, and responsiveness (AIRR). The 5 European Commission RRI keys (ethics, societal engagement, gender equality, open access/science and science education) will also be analyzed with discussions on how they interconnect with AIRR.
The first session will include a 40’ presentation that will be conducted by Dr Simeon Veloudis, a Senior Researcher at the South East European Research Centre (SEERC), followed by a 10’-15’ question and answer session.
The first session will be followed by one hour workshop session, organized as a panel discussion with inclusion of another RRI expert: Prof. George Eleftherakis. Adapting ideas drawn from the first session, this second session will seek to provide a useful starting point for better incorporating RRI dimensions into CE discourses over discussions with the participants around the following questions: How may the RRI framework help to democratize the research and innovation process around CE? What are the shortcomings of CE in RRI perspective? How can dimensions and keys of RRI be utilized to support to overcome the shortcomings of CE in various dimensions (political, geo-political, social (labor, gender, justice))?