Taller de co-creació “Cap a una transició justa a l’Economia Circular”
El proper 21 d’abril es celebrarà a Barcelona el Taller de co-creació “Cap a una transició justa a l’Economia Circular”.
Inscripcions per participar al taller
El taller està organitzat per MedWaves, Eco-union, la UAB, l’Universidade de Vigo, amb el suport del Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural i l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya, i està dins del marc del projecte JUST2CE finançat per la Unió Europea mitjançant el programa H2020
L’objectiu de la trobada serà reflectir i analitzar els impactes de l’actual transició a una economia circular a Catalunya en relació amb quatre dimensions:
a) Relacions Nord-Sud i justícia mediambiental global; b) Feina i activitats productives i reproductives; c) Dimensió de gènere d) Responsabilitat, transparència i govern participatiu.
Mitjançant la creació d’un espai de diàleg entre actors provinents de les institucions públiques, les organitzacions de la societat civil, i el sector privat i el sector acadèmic es co-crearan escenaris per una transició justa a l’economia circular a Catalunya.
La informació i l’anàlisi fruit d’aquesta activitat, nodriran les eines de suport als decisors públics, la societat civil i el sector privat per avaluar les principals variables amb l’objectiu de realitzar models d’economia circular capaces de generar beneficis per les persones, el planeta i l’economia.
Inscripcions per participar al taller
Més informació sobre JUST2CE: www.just2ce.eu
Ubicació de la trobada: Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau. Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. Barcelona.
Agenda de la trobada (provisional)
Hora | Activitat | Notes |
8:30 – 9:00 | Registre participants | |
9:00 – 9:15 | Benvinguda |
Paraules de benvinguda.
9:15 – 10:00 | Plenari d’obertura |
10:00 – 10:30 | Confort break | |
10:30 – 12:30 | Treball en grups |
Treball paral·lel en quatre grups temàtics i/o sectorials abordant les següents qüestions:
12:30 – 13:00 | Plenari de conclusió |
Sessió de conclusió que facilitarà el retorn dels continguts i de les conclusions extretes per part dels diferents grups de treball.
13:00 – 14:30 | Dinar |
Taller de co-creación “Hacia una transición justa a la Economía Circular”.
El próximo 21 de abril se celebrará en Barcelona el Taller de co-creación “Hacia una transición justa a la Economía Circular”.
Formulario de inscripciones al taller
El taller está organizado por MedWaves, Eco-union, la UAB, la Universidade de Vigo, y con el apoyo del Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural y l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya y enmarcado dentro del proyecto JUST2CE financiado por la Unión Europea a través del programa H2020.
El objetivo del encuentro será reflejar y analizar los impactos de la actual transición a una economía circular en relación a cuatro dimensiones: a) Relaciones Norte-Sur y justicia medioambiental global; b) Empleo y actividades productivas y reproductivas; c) Dimensión de género; d) Responsabilidad, transparencia y gobernanza participativa.
A través de la creación de un espacio de dialogo entre actores provenientes de las instituciones públicas, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, el sector privado y la academia, se co-crearan escenarios para una transición justa a la economía circular en Catalunya.
La información y los análisis fruto de esta actividad, alimentarán las herramientas de apoyo a los decisores públicos, la sociedad civil y el sector privado para evaluar las principales variables con el objetivo de realizar prácticas de economía circular capaces de generar beneficios para las personas, el planeta y la economía.
Formulario de inscripciones al taller
Más información sobre JUST2CE: www.just2ce.eu
Ubicación del encuentro: Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau. Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. Barcelona.
Agenda del taller (provisional)
Hora | Actividad | Notas |
8:30 – 9:00 | Registro participantes | |
9:00 – 9:15 | Bienvenida |
Palabras de bienvenida.
9:15 – 10:00 | Pleno de apertura |
10:00 – 10:30 | Confort break | |
10:30 – 12:30 | Trabajo en grupos |
Trabajo paralelo en cuatro grupos temáticos y/o sectoriales abordando las siguientes cuestiones:
12:30 – 13:00 | Pleno de conclusión |
Sesión de conclusión que facilitará el retorno de los contenidos y las conclusiones extraídas de los diferentes grupos de trabajo.
13:00 – 14:30 | Comida |
Co-creation workshop "Towards a just transition to the Circular Economy".
On April 21, the co-creation workshop "Towards a just transition to the Circular Economy" will be held in Barcelona.
The workshop is organised by MedWaves, Eco-union, UAB, Universidade de Vigo, and with the support of the Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural and l'Agència de Residus de Catalunya. The workshop is part of the JUST2CE project funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme.
The aim of the meeting will be to reflect and analyse the impacts of the current transition to a circular economy in relation to four dimensions: a) North-South relations and global environmental justice; b) Employment and productive and reproductive activities; c) Gender dimension; d) Accountability, transparency and participatory governance.
Through the creation of a space for dialogue between actors from public institutions, civil society organisations, the private sector and academia, scenarios for a just transition to a circular economy in Catalonia will be co-created.
The information and analysis resulting from this activity will feed the tools to support public decision-makers, civil society and the private sector to evaluate the main variables with the aim of implementing circular economy practices capable of generating benefits for people, the planet and the economy.
“From Minga’s case to beyond”.
A workshop about integral cooperatives for the Circular Economy is coming in April, organized by our colleagues from Minga.
Minga is an organization part of JUST2CE consortium as a case study. This cooperative has been promoting Circular Economy in the rural context of Portugal for years.
The dates will be from April 26 to April 28, and it will take place in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal.
In this workshop, Minga proposes a learning experience about Circular Economy practices from bellow.
It will be studied how and why cooperatives may be the ideal organization for circularity and sustainability.
The workshop will be a combination of listening, field trips and debates.
The listening part will be about experiences of different people involved in Minga, scholars, practitioners of the social economy, talking about their experiences, perspectives and knowledge.
The field trip part, will give the opportunity of knowing about the experience of Minga, getting immersed in the socio-ecologies of Monteamor-o-Novo, and meeting members of the social economy in Portugal.
In this workshop it will be explored the possibility of the running of cooperatives and the spreading of circular economy movement.
All participants will be welcome to share their point of view and their own experiences.
If you are interested in participating, or need more information, please contact Minga: [email protected] UNTIL FEBRUARY 10!
Wednesday, April 26
16:00 – 17:00 Reception of participants
17:00 – 18:00 Visit to Casa Branca
18:00 – 18:30 Introduction of participants
18:30 – 18:45 Introduction to the workshop and Just2CE
18:45 – 20:00 History of Minga and an overview of its experience promoting CE in Montemor-o-Novo
20:00 Dinner in Casa Branca
Thursday, April 27
9:00 – 9:45 Breakfast
10:00 – 10:30 Bus from Casa Branca to Montemor-o-Novo
10:30 – 11:30 Visit to Minga’s working spaces: shop, weaving/co-working space and shared workshop.
11:30 –11:45 Coffee-break
11:45 – 13:00 Reporting back and discussing together research outcomes on Minga case-study.
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 – 16:45 Round table I: Governance and management practices and promotion of CE
16:45 – 17:15 Coffee-break
17:15 – 18:45 Round table II: Public policies and the promotion of CE
19:00 Go back to Casa Branca
20:00 Dinner in Casa Branca
Friday, April 28
9:00 – 9:45 Breakfast
9:45 – 11:15 Participatory Session: Mapping Circularities and designing models of Cooperation
11:15 –11:30 Coffee-break
11:30 – 13:00 Roundtable III: Environment, Labour and Gender justice in CE
13:00 – 14:00 Circular Cooperatives and the relationship with the just circular economy movement to come
14:00 Goodbye lunch
ON YOUTUBE: Watch the #WCEF2022 Accelerator Session: "JUST2CE, working towards an inclusive and just transition to Circular Economy"
Last week, several partners of the JUST2CE project met online for the Accelerator session entitled "JUST2CE, working towards an inclusive and just transition to Circular Economy", as part of the World Circular Economy Forum 2022.
Some 40 participants joined the online webinar during which panellists explored the concept of Circular Economy and what transitioning to a Circular Economy implies for North/South relations. They replied to a set of key questions, presenting the topic with a multi-disciplinary approach, and focusing on the political economy and geopolitics of the transition to Circular Economy and how existing power relations might hamper this much needed transition.
The speakers discussed grounded alternatives to reconfigure North/South relations to achieve a just and inclusive transition to Circular Economy and how cooperation on research and innovation is critical to improve global wellbeing, foster good governance and enhance participation to policy-making processes.
The full session is now available on Youtube:
- Organizer: MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP.
- Key-note speech and moderation: Sally-Anne Kasner, ACEN
- Thematic Contribution 1, JUST2CE framework: Dr. Andrea Jimenez (University of Sheffield)
- Thematic Contribution 1, JUST2CE Lowerland: Prof. Gavin Andersson (UCT- University of Cape Town).
- Thematic Contribution 2, JUST2CE Agbogbloshie : Dr. Keren Naa Abeka Arthur, University of Cape Coast.
- Thematic Contribution 3, Effects of Circular Economy Transition on Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Mr. Paul Lucas, Senior Policy Analyst PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- Thematic Contribution 4, Decolonizing Circular Economy : Dr. Emanuela Girei, University of Sheffield.
- Conclusion remarks: Mr. Stéphane Arditi (EEB)& Ms. Sally-Anne Kasner (ACEN)
"Is going circular just? Environmental justice & just transition – key elements for an inclusive circular economy" - Read more about the new paper showcasing JUST2CE
JUST2CE is showcased in the paper "Is going circular just? Environmental justice & just transition – key elements for an inclusive circular economy" by Patrick Schroeder & Jack Barrie (Chatham House), in Field Actions Science Reports, Special Issue 24.
Read it here: https://journals.openedition.org/factsreports/6864
A successful circular economy transition relies on inclusiveness and social justice. Two main equity dimensions should be considered for the circular economy transition to be inclusive: rectifying existing injustices of mismanaged waste and pollution that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide on the one hand, whilst anticipating and addressing the negative future impacts on workers and industries that the transition from a linear to circular economy will create, on the other hand. To do so, understanding the impacts of national transitions in Europe on workers and communities in developing countries will be key, notably how to improve economic diversification and retrain workers in producer countries, and how to increase stakeholder engagement.
About the authors
Patrick Schroeder
Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House
Dr Patrick Schroeder is a senior research fellow in the Environment and Society Programme at Chatham House. He specializes in research on the global transition to an inclusive circular economy with a specific focus on policy analysis and multilateral environmental processes, collaborative opportunities between key countries, closing the investment gap and building an evidence base for trade in the circular economy. Prior to joining Chatham House, he was Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, where he conducted research on the circular economy in developing country contexts and the Sustainable Development Goals. He is a member of the Advisory board of JUST2CE.
Jack Barrie
Research Fellow, Chatham House
Dr Jack Barrie is an expert on the topic of circular economy. In his current role as Research Fellow at Chatham House, Jack leads on pioneering research examining the intersections between the circular economy and international trade, geopolitics, finance (including Green Taxonomies) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Prior to joining Chatham House, he was a Circular Economy Policy Analyst for Zero Waste Scotland. He holds a PhD (University of Strathclyde) on circular economy innovation policy.
Apply now: The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is opening a post-doc position
The project “JUST2CE” addresses major global environmental and sustainability challenges related to Circular Economy (CE), focusing on establishing the current state of knowledge on CE and its socioeconomic impacts, and on putting forward transformative solutions at the local and global levels. The project will follow a transdisciplinary approach that ranges from the natural sciences to economics and social sciences.
Under the framework of the JUST2CE project, the Business Department (Department d’ Empresa) is therefore offering a post-doc position.
The candidate is expected to start in the position by September 2022. The post-doctoral researcher will mainly contribute to the tasks and deliverables of the WP2 and WP3 of the JUST2CE project. In particular, the candidate will work on:
- identifying enablers and barriers to the implementation of CE practices;
- developing a framework to design ‘Responsible Circular Economy Practices’;
- disseminating project outcomes in international training workshops and
Most of the work can be done remotely but physical presence will be required
for some of the tasks (e.g. meetings, workshops, conferences, field work, training, etc.
Together with the project manager and the PI, the postdoc will contribute to the day-to-day management of the project:
- Contribute to the development and implementation of research on circular
economy & environmental justice, in continuous interaction with partner
organizations within and beyond academia;
- Co-supervise MSc, PhD and Post-doc research;
- Collaborate, contribute, and/or initiatives for stakeholders engagement, knowledge sharing, outreach and societal impact.
More information
Funding body: European Union H2020 Programme
Duration of the project: 3 years
Destination: Economics and Business department
Category: Ordinary researcher
Duration of the contract: 23 months
Dedication: 37,5 hours / week
How to apply?
Read the whole description of the activities and learn more about the application process here
Deadline to apply: 1st October 2022